with commitment problems. It's a wonder how I've been able to stay in marching band for all four years in high school. Shoot, it's a wonder how my last relationship lasted so long! Hell, people were making bets that it'd last a week or two (though, that was not because my commitment problems per se but rather because I was a boy with a notorious reputation whereas the girl I was dating was a conservative, Protestant).
Looking at my last post, I haven't written in here since the beginning of last quarter. I should've written more in my blog, but when life gets to you, its hard to keep up. If that makes any sense.
In other words, I haven't been writing lately because I found a life outside of blogging. Or so that's my excuse. That isn't to to say that bloggers don't have a life, I mean they need something to write about, right?
Just that I'm lazy. And have commitment problems.
But I'm blogging, so here I am!
I maybe a week or two late on this but...
Freshmen year of college. My take on it? It's been... interesting, to say the least. Not exactly what I expected from college at all, but then again. Well, let's take it back to a year ago.
A year ago. I just graduated from high school and was totally pumped for college. But first several months of it - well, I hated it. Had a hard time making friends because well... I really didn't let myself open up to it. I was haughty. Pretentious, even. "TFC" as others would put it. You know, I tried the usual antics I would pull off in high school - but it just didn't work. I was catering to a different crowd. I mean, not to say I didn't try - just that I was exposed to some individuals that I've attempted to avoid all throughout high school. Not specific individuals, but rather "cliques" - types of people, you know?
But I can say, UCI's definitely grown on me. I don't know how I ended up in VSA in the first place - well, actually, my friends Malessa and Lee dragged me along to it. I was very hesitant about the idea at first, to be honest. My reasons? I didn't want to be tied down to any club. But, ironically enough, between the three of us, I think I've probably been the more outgoing when it comes to VSA. Winter Retreat, Lead role in VSA UCI's culture night, Lion Dance, the Banquet... Best thing about VSA, though?
The people. I've met some pretty amazing people in there. Absolutely phenomenal - and I'm glad I'm good friends with several of them. In fact, I've made some pretty amazing friends out here. Some that I hope will never fall out of my life - cause you know how the whole "friend" thing can be - some stay, some go, some refuse to leave - and sometimes for the better. I hope they're more amongst the latter. Course any kind of relationship is a two-way relationship. So don't think I won't be making an effort.
I'm digressing. Freshmen year of college? Best put - it started off quite shitty, but ending up pretty awesome. The thing I hate about it most? The fact that many of the awesome people I've met - specifically most of the friends I've made in VSA - have graduated and are leaving me for the East Coast. You know who you are.
I can say I've definitely grown, though. I mean, I don't want to come off as pretentious, but if I were to compare myself then and now I've... well, definitely toned down. I no longer drop my pants at the drop of a hat, I can tell you that. I've found more joy in... talking. Either it be over coffee, or just walking to class, I've found myself looking more for intellectual and/or pensive conversation.
Hehe, great thing about college: you start all over from scratch and be what you've always wanted to be. Yes, I will admit, when I first came to college, I've had this romanticized ideological image of a campus filled with bright, young, hip, coffee-drinking, indie-loving, pop culture obsessing students. First sight, I really didn't see that. I mean, no offense, but there is a reason why UCI is also dubbed University of Chinese Immigrants... Hell, when I told my parents about my decision to go to UCI - or even their friends for that matter - their response was the same as mine.
"So. Many. Asians."
And its odd, you know, being a part of the majority. I tell many people this all the time and I'm going to tell you guys now - it's weird being part of the majority. I mean, I come from quite a diverse high school - and being a band geek, it was populated with quite a diverse group of people. I mean, when the Spaniard took me to Chapman University - a private school that is 15 minutes away from UCI - I felt more comfortable there because well... I was a minority again! And I think being a minority makes me feel special :3
Where was I going with this? Oh yeah.
College is a great opportunity to build yourself into the image you want yourself to be. Me? I've somehow earned the title "Hipster." I know, it's un-hip of me to say this - but come on, I know that some of you "hipsters" know that you're hipsters, and you get some kind of pretentious pleasure from knowing that you are above the philistines and their lowbrow culture. Admit it!
But then again, what counts as Lowbrow? I had to write a research paper on that - a very fulfilling assignment, by the way, from Hum Core. I'm going to miss Humanities Core - I've learned so much out of it. Favorite paper has to be the research paper - I did mine on the Lowbrow Art Movement, and working on it, I felt like such an art snob - and I didn't like it. Luckily, the feeling subsided.
Why am I writing so much? Probably to make up for several months worth of not. God, I should blog more often... What am I putting you guys through? I bet none of you have made it this point. And for those of you who have well... I owe you lunch or something, I don't know...
My thoughts are all over the place - it's like, chaotic in there, you know? Sometimes, I wonder if I have ADD. I mean, my mind keeps on jumping from topic to topic. I'm guessing from my writing, it shows. I can't help it.
Digression! You know, I've got a small story about the whole "digression" thing but I'll tell it another time, there was something I wanted to put out there...
Oh yeah. My summer plans.
Well, from the looks of it, I can't get class over at Mount San Antonio College aka Mt. Sac aka Mt. Scrotum aka the nearby community college to my house. What with the economy the way it is, people are deciding now is a best time to get an education. Yay! This is good news, because that means I have the summer to myself - to do all the things I want, and to work on all the projects I've been putting off because of college.
At the same time, this is a terrible thing for me. Because Mt. Sac's filled to the brim with students, people all around can't get any schooling either. So they resort to working. And I need a job. I had my heart set on working at Denny's - well, not really, I hate working in the restaurant industry, it was just a set plan for cash - but it turns out they don't need me. Because everybody at Denny's can't get any school, they're picking up hours. Yay.
So, I got duped into looking into a company called Vector. They're asking me to sell knives. It looks good, sure, at 16 bucks an hour. But they're asking me to look for my own hours. As in set an appointment with people to try to pitch a knife set that costs several hundred dollars.
In this economy? Nuh-uh. I'm better off applying at McDonalds. Which, according to the Sandman, I have a better chance getting laid by the end of this summer.
The joke there is that I'm not getting any.
My Dad's uncomfortable with me lying around the house, playing video games all day, and hanging out with friends (which is something I don't mind doing...) but I can understand why he doesn't want me to do that. But I keep on telling him I do have plans of my own, but being he always seems to forget... This calls for a -_-.
My plans for the summer? So far, I have several scripts in mind that I'm working on. Also, reading those books I've had lying around the dorm for awhile. Oh, and also hopefully I can lose some weight. I've got the Spaniard coaxing me into going to the gym - so I can only hope that I become committed to this. More about that in a future blog. Also applied to Blockbuster - probably a long shot, but hey, here's hoping! I should also look around more, too... I should commit tomorrow to that. HAH!
Alright, well, hopefully I can stay committed to one of those plans. And on that note, I'm off. I need to get up in the morning to head to... the gym...
Oh boy... This is... this is going to be fun...
And on that note, take it away, Keyboard Cat
Oru Kayak has expanded from origami inspired...
Oru Kayak has expanded from origami inspired kayaks to a camp collection of
chairs and tables! In popping orange as well as black.
4 months ago
Is it just me but do you and I have a shitload in common? Lol
babe....you just commented yourself. you're a sad excuse for a man let me tell you that. =D
Actually, Aarika, that there is ANOTHER guy I know who happens to be named Henry. So suck it. Suck it long. And suck it hard.
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