Huh... Well, never thought I'd do this. You know, start a blog. I had a Xanga, but I thought it was too... just too aZn. Not to mention, all it had on it were people either talking about their day or complaining about the most stupidest, and trivial things. Either that, or start an internet flame wars, and those are annoying enough as it is. That, and Xanga wouldn't stop stuff my inbox with "new subscriptions" - I still don't know how to turn it off, and I refuse to - because for one, I haven't touched my xanga since early freshmen year, and I hardly update anyways. However, I'm hoping at least with this blog, I can actually commit to this. I don't know why, but this blog hosts seems to appeal more to me - much more of a minimilist approach, I guess. That, and not that many people use this (w00t to useless-and-frivolous-trying-acts-of-individualism-that-doesn't-even-matter). That, and I know there'll be at least somebody out there willing to read this... So, why not give hmm? Alright, well here goes my first entry which'll hopefully lead to many more (dubious 'bout it, but eh, no hurt in hopin').
Oru Kayak has expanded from origami inspired...
Oru Kayak has expanded from origami inspired kayaks to a camp collection of
chairs and tables! In popping orange as well as black.
4 months ago
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
I like it! Good job. Go on.
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
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